Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Turning 2 is AWESOME!

Since E is a huge Yo Gabba Gabba (YGG) fan, we decided to use that as a theme for his party this year. Unfortunately, YGG party supplies can't be purchased in party stores; you have to order the stuff online. That means is addition to the cost of the items, you also have to pay shipping. We decided this wouldn't do, so we took matters into our own hands.

Mommy made E a cute "Brobee 2" shirt to wear for your party. We picked up some table cloths and paper supplies in bright YGG colors. We also purchased some balloons in those same bright colors. Daddy, Meowmaw, and Mommy made some cute YGG character decs to add a special touch. The sunroom looked so cute, and E loved it!

We topped it all off with some adorable homemade cupcakes that looled like the YGG gang. Mommy used royal icing to create the features and homemade buttercream icing for the base colors. They were yummy!




The guests arrived, and the party was under way! It all started with some "cooking" activities for the children. E loves to "cook" with mommy, so we wanted that to be a part of his special day. He and his cousin D mixed up a fruit salad and some party mix for the guests to enjoy for the party in their tummy! Sure, no actual cooking was involved here, but it didn't matter to E. He got to use a big wooden spoon to mix the treats, so it was enough to satisfy him, and Mommy didn't have to worry about anyone getting burned. It was a win-win situation for sure!

Then the party in our tummies was underway! Guests enjoyed the fruit salad, party mix, cheese cubes, carrots, and Chick-fil-a nuggets. Everyone's tummies must have really enjoyed the yummy treats because the food was practically all gone by the end of the party!

After everyone had eaten, it was time for cupcakes! E absolutely loved having us sing the birthday song to him. He also loved blowing out the much so that he insisted that they be relit so he could blow them out again! Just look at the joy on his sweet little face!

After he finished blowing out his candles, he was ready to dive into his cupcake!

After cupcakes came the presents! He enjoyed opening them, as most kids do.

Notice the paper flying in mid-air. 

Ahhhh! Buzz Lightyear! After opening this bag full of Toy Story goodies from D and Z and family, it was hard to get him to move on to the rest. He was SO excited to have his own Buzz Lightyear and Woody!

But with a lot of prodding, he finally managed to open the rest.

After opening the presents, it was time to head outside! He spent some fun time playing with all three of his cousins, D, Z and L! The four of them don't get together very often, so it is always a special time when they do. They had a great time posing for a group photo around E's new Lightning McQueen power wheels from Grammy, Papa S, and Aunt C.

They make a great team. L may be the next Danica Patrick with her cousins as her pit crew!

It was a fun ending to a super special day! Thanks so much to everyone who came to help him celebrate. Several of the guests drove an hour or even three to be here to celebrate with us. E is certainly one well loved, very blessed boy! And we are even more blessed to have him in our lives!

Happy 2nd birthday, E! Turning 2 really is AWESOME!

1 comment:

  1. I've only seen one episode of that show, but from what I remember... wow, friend, you did it up RIGHT! Those cupcakes (and decorations) are absolutely adorable. Now that we have a little sunshine I feel some pics of more adorableness made by you coming on! Love you!
